Monday, November 28, 2011

The New Authoritarianism | Dissident Voice #OWS

The New Authoritarianism | Dissident Voice:

The New Authoritarianism

James Petras at Dissident Voice - 29 minutes ago
We live in a time of dynamic, regressive, regime changes. A period in which major political transformations and the dramatic roll back of a half century of socio-economic legislation are accelerated by a prolonged and deepening economic crises and a world-wide financier led offensive. This essay explores major ongoing regime changes that have a profound [...]

Unknown Snipers and Western Backed Regime Change: a Short History

Gearóid Ó Colmáin at Dissident Voice - 29 minutes ago
Unknown snipers played a pivotal role throughout the so-called “Arab Spring Revolutions” yet, in spite of reports of their presence in the mainstream media, surprisingly little attention has been paid to to their purpose and role. The Russian investigative journalist, Nikolay Starikov, has written a book which discusses the role of unknown snipers in the [...]

Durban Climate Conference: Analysis of the Coming Failure

Chris Williams at Dissident Voice - 29 minutes ago
Consider the following: In October the Berkeley Earth project released the comprehensive results of a scientific study illustrating how temperature has changed since the 1800s. The study, backed in part by arch climate-deniers Koch Industries, was a systematic attempt to allay any doubts anyone might have that climate change is happening and is a direct [...]

Occupy Congress

Robert Jensen at Dissident Voice - 29 minutes ago
Conventional politics in the United States focuses on elections, while left activists typically argue that political change comes not from electing better politicians but building movements strong enough to force politicians to accept progressive change. Norman Solomon has concluded it isn’t either/or. A prominent writer and leader in left movements for decades, Solomon is running [...]

No to Co-Option: MoveOn is the Opposite of the Occupy Movement

Kevin Zeese at Dissident Voice - 29 minutes ago
While most of the comments about my article on Van Jones and our GeneralAssembly’s call for independence from the Democratic Party and Democratic Party front groups were positive, a few people don’t seem to know the history of MoveOn. Please do not misunderstand my criticisms of MoveOn and other organizations in this article as criticism [...]

They Hate Us for Our Freedom (redux)

David Macaray at Dissident Voice - 2 days ago
For 76 years it’s been the job of the NLRB (National Labor Relations Board) to enforce the provisions of the National Labor Relations Act (passed in 1935 and better known as the Wagner Act). The National Labor Relations Act is the legislation that governs such things as union elections and collective bargaining. While there have [...]

Misanthropy’s Holiday

Kathleen Wallace Peine at Dissident Voice - 2 days ago
It’s not exactly “The Gift of the Magi” – the inevitable Black Friday footage that so marvelously serves to reinforce the notion that Americans are simply a cloudy plague of consumer beasts. And in most ways that really is what the country has become. Feeding on red juice made in China, not real flowers. If [...]

The Hypocrisy of Arab League and the West

Kourosh Ziabari at Dissident Voice - 2 days ago
After the Arab League hypocritically suspended the membership of Syria amid the mounting pressures of NATO and the United States, the resurgence of violence in Egypt and the increasing use of excessive force in Bahrain and Yemen, and the unrelenting massacre of innocent civilians by the barbaric regime of Al Khalifa and Ali Abdullah Saleh [...]

Assassinating Egyptian Dreams

Ahmed Amr at Dissident Voice - 2 days ago
Nostalgia for more innocent times is a comforting refuge when hope is scarce. This week, as we inhaled a toxic dose of tear gas in Tahrir Square, we were all gasping for a resurrection of the spirit of the January uprising that led to the spectacular fall of the House of Mubarak. Many Egyptians would [...]

The Palestinian Struggle for Water in the Jordan Valley

Ben Lorber at Dissident Voice - 2 days ago
Speaking to the American Congress in May, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu remarked that Israel would maintain a long-term presence in the West Bank’s Jordan Valley. In the months that followed, the Israeli army stepped up its attacks on the water wells of the Palestinians who live there. On November 14th, two water wells were [...]

Occupy and the Swing of that Truncheon Thing

Ron Jacobs at Dissident Voice - 2 days ago
While I truly empathize with the victims of the use of force by police against Occupy protesters these past few weeks, the fact that they occurred has served a very useful purpose. For the first time in a long time, the role of police in a society that calls itself democratic is being questioned. As [...]

Congo Elections

Friends of the Congo at Dissident Voice - 2 days ago
1. What is the official date of the elections? Both the Presidential and Legislative elections will take place on November 28, 2011. The campaign officially began on October 28, 2011 and will end midnight on Saturday, November 26. 2. How many candidates are running and who are the major candidates? Eleven candidates will run for [...]

That Rocky Road to Damascus

Pepe Escobar at Dissident Voice - 2 days ago
The trillion-dollar question in the “Arab Winter” is who will blink first in the West’s screenplay of slouching towards Tehran via Damascus. As they examine the regional chessboard and the formidable array of forces aligned against them, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the military dictatorship of the mullahtariat in Tehran must face, simultaneously, superpower [...]

Washington’s Countdown to War

Tom Burghardt at Dissident Voice - 2 days ago
The Iranian people know what it means to earn the enmity of the global godfather. As William Blum documented in Killing Hope: U.S. Military and CIA Interventions Since World War II, 1953′s CIA-organized coup against Iranian Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh, guilty of the “crime” of nationalizing the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, may have “saved” Iran from [...]

Suffolk Co. NY to Hear Proposal to Ban Chemtrails

Rady Ananda at Dissident Voice - 2 days ago
On December 6, New York’s Suffolk County government will hold a public hearing on a proposal to ban aerial spraying of aluminum oxide, barium, sulfur, and other salts into the air over the county without first filing an Environmental Impact Statement with, and receiving approval from, the county’s Department of Health Services, Division of Environmental [...]