Tuesday, November 8, 2011

MMAC Proposes New MPS Takeover Plan « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!

MMAC Proposes New MPS Takeover Plan « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!:

MMAC Proposes New MPS Takeover Plan

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Association of Commerce (MMAC) is proposing another plan to takeover Milwaukee Public Schools. Their new scheme is to create two school districts, one for high performing schools to serve 20,000 students and the second to serve low-performing schools. With this proposal 16% of Milwaukee’s children will attend “high performing” schools and MPS will be responsible for educating low performance in a “turnaround district” run by a new school board appointed by the governor, mayor or state superintendent of education.

This old tune, under a new name, is class warfare against the majority of Milwaukee’s poor and working class kids. Instead of teaching every child to be college ready, whether they chose college or not, Tim Sullivan, speaking for the MMAC, has another plan. He wants to bring back a “dual-enrollment vocational model” for high school students. They would be tracked for job skills to be “job ready” when they leave high school.