Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Michelle Rhee in The City of Nothing to Lose | Political News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View

Michelle Rhee in The City of Nothing to Lose | Political News and Opinion from a Multicultural Point of View:

Michelle Rhee in The City of Nothing to Lose

Michelle Rhee in The City of Nothing to Lose

Some fairly odd musings in Philadelphia these days as former District of Columbia Schools Chancellor Michelle Rhee is spending quite a bit of time in Ill-town these days. Whispers sound off about Rhee, the controversial and fiery school head who led the D.C. public school system during Mayor Adrian Fenty’s (D-D.C.) tumultuous term, going to Philly and filling in for the recently ousted schools chief Arlene Ackerman.

We’d like to see how that turns out.

Take one outspoken, belligerent and ill-tempered Korean American woman who is considered the spokesperson of the “school reform” movement and put her in the rough-and-tumble working class political meat cleaver that is Philadelphia and see what you get. True: Philly public schools are like prisons (yours truly can personally attest), but not certain if an acerbic and