Saturday, November 12, 2011

Meanwhile, Rick Scott and Florida Republicans Stall Ethics Reform | Scathing Purple Musings

Meanwhile, Rick Scott and Florida Republicans Stall Ethics Reform | Scathing Purple Musings:

Meanwhile, Rick Scott and Florida Republicans Stall Ethics Reform

Amid the news of J.D. Alexander’s attempt to intimidate the student member of Florida’s Board of Governors, comes a St. Petersburg Times story which details the ongoing republican efforts to stop ethics reform in its tracks.

TALLAHASSEE — On Rick Scott’s first day as governor, he declared ethics and integrity “essential to maintaining the public trust” and ordered his office to find ways to implement suggestions from a grand jury assembled to investigate public corruption.

More than 10 months later, there appears to be no plan.

That frustrates some tea party activists who propelled Scott to victory. They believed Scott was talking about ethics reform in all those campaign ads where he blasted “Tallahassee insiders.”

“He led Florida voters to think he was going to be a strong proponent of ethics reform, and his