Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The League of Education Voters and Charter Schools | Seattle Education

The League of Education Voters and Charter Schools | Seattle Education:

The League of Education Voters and Charter Schools

You too can be a League of Education Voters (LEV) activist along with Ramona Hattendorf the Washington State PTA lobbyist who is also an “LEV Activist”, Chad Megendez and Alison Meryweather.

I am on the League of Education Voters e-mail list, lucky me, and was offered this “opportunity” to train to beg for charter schools during the upcoming legislative session.

What I find interesting about the e-mail below is that, per each bullet point:

1. There will be no state funding. See my previous post If you don’t think that you are a part of the 99%, think again: The Governor’s budget request.

2. What the heck does “school pushout” mean? I’ve never heard of it but I guess it sounds scary enough to want

If you don’t think that you’re part of the 99%, think again. The Governor’s budget request.

Remember how last year a lot of wealthy people put their money into a campaign to not have an income tax in our state for the top 1% earners? That was the campaign against I-1098. Well, they won and the rest of us lost. Actually, our children lost along with those with the least among us.

So while the 1% have their children in private schools enjoying all of the benefits of a well-rounded education sans TFA, Inc. recruits, the rest of us will have less than we have now and just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse in terms of funding for our schools. There was one program that was spared, the ed-reformy pilot program for teacher/principal evaluations. Great.

To follow is part of the Washington State School Directors Association (WSSDA) Newsletter that was sent out