Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lawsuit Against New Orleans Charters: Does New Orleans Welcome Disabled Students? « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!

Lawsuit Against New Orleans Charters: Does New Orleans Welcome Disabled Students? « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!:

Lawsuit Against New Orleans Charters: Does New Orleans Welcome Disabled Students?

National Public Radio by Larry Abramson November 15, 2011

To listen to the to the Story go to: All Things Considered /go to search in top right corner and type in special education in New Orleans)

New Orleans has become the center of an education revolution, where more than 70 percent of students attend a charter school.

The number of students taught in traditional district-run schools is shrinking fast. That’s because parents in post-Hurricane Katrina can pick and choose from a smorgasbord of schools with different approaches and cultures.