Saturday, November 5, 2011

Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL

Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL:

Native American Heritage Month Resources

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 37 minutes ago
November is Native American Heritage Month in the United States. Though I don’t have a “The Best…” list solely devoted to Native American resources, I do have tons of related materials at The Best Sites For International Day Of The … Continue reading →

The Best Ideas On How Parents Can Help Their Kids Succeed Academically

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 5 hours ago
I’ve found several good resources sharing ideas on how parents can best help their children learn, and decided to bring them together in one post. You can see all my parent engagement-related “The Best” lists here. Here are my picks … Continue reading →

What In The World Are They Thinking In Alabama?

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 9 hours ago
I’ve been regularly posting updates on the state of Alabama’s attack on immigrants and its impact on schools, and it keeps getting crazier. Here are the newest additions to The Best Resources To Learn About Alabama’s Awful Immigration Law (& … Continue reading →

This Week In Web 2.0

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 14 hours ago
In yet another attempt to get at the enormous backlog I have of sites worth sharing, I’ve recently begin a regular feature called “The Week In Web 2.0.” It’ll be a short compilation of new decent sites that are worth … Continue reading →

The Best Resources On Parent Engagement In Countries Other Than The U.S.

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 1 day ago
I’ve written quite a few posts about parent engagement in countries other than the United States, and decided to bring together the best resources into one list.You can see all my parent engagement-related “The Best” lists here. Here are my … Continue reading →

The Best Resources On Teaching & Learning Critical Thinking In The Classroom

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 1 day ago
Teaching and learning critical thinking in the classroom will be the topic of my next Education Week Teacher column (contribute your ideas there, please), so I wanted to develop a “The Best…” list with supporting materials. I put out a … Continue reading →

“APPitic” Looks Impressive

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 1 day ago
I just learned about APPitic, which describes itself as: …an directory of apps for education by Apple Distinguished Educators (ADEs) to help you transform teaching and learning. It has over 1,300 categorized apps, including a ton organized by Bloom’s Taxonomy. … Continue reading →

This Week’s “Round-Up” Of Good School Reform Posts & Articles

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 1 day ago
Here are some good recent posts and articles on school reform issues: Principals rebel against ‘value-added’ evaluation is from The Washington Post. I’m adding it to The Best Resources For Learning About The “Value-Added” Approach Towards Teacher Evaluation. Turning the … Continue reading →

Amazing Bird Formations

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 1 day ago
I just had to add this video to The Best Sites For Learning About Animals. At forty-five seconds into the video it really gets amazing. You might have to click through to my blog to see it:

“Life In A Day” Video

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 1 day ago
From The Los Angeles Times: “Life in a Day” is a groundbreaking film produced by Ridley Scott and directed by Kevin Macdonald that solicited user-generated content from around the world that was shot on July 24, 2010. With more than … Continue reading →

I Like “Reading Bear”

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 1 day ago
Reading Bear is a new free interactive site for teaching beginning readers through the use of phonics in a relatively engaging way. It doesn’t appear that registration is necessary, and they say it will remain free. It’s from Watch Know … Continue reading →

“How Can We Teach Critical Thinking Skills?”

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 1 day ago
How Can We Teach Critical Thinking Skills? is the new “question of the week” at my Education Week Teacher column. Please considering leaving your ideas in the comments there or on this post.

“My Best Posts, Articles & Interviews On Parent Engagement”

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 2 days ago
My Best Posts, Articles & Interviews On Parent Engagement is the latest “The Best…” list I’ve posted at my other blog, Engaging Parents In School. As always, feedback is welcome.

U.S. Justice Department Begins Investigation Of How Alabama Law Affects Students

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 2 days ago
The U.S. Justice Department has requested information from all Alabama schools. As Ed Week reports: Among other things, the letter requests records of enrollment by race and lists of students who have withdrawn since the beginning of the school year, … Continue reading →

“K-12 Online Conference” Presenters Announced

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 2 days ago
Presenters for the annual K-12 Online Conference, set to begin in late November, have just been announced. You can get all the information here. It’s a great opportunity to get high-quality and free professional development.

It Might Be Worth Checking-Out These English Language Development Standards

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 2 days ago
In September, WIDA released a draft version of the English Language Development Standards, 2012 Edition, Kindergarten through Grade Twelve. Their comment period ends on November 11th. I’ve never paid much attention to WIDA’s standards in the past since California has … Continue reading →

Book Trailers From My Class

Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 2 days ago
I’ve been doing a lot of video recording using my iPhone this year with my Beginning and Intermediate English Language Learners. It’s been great, though the audio is picked-up pretty poorly. So, last week I invested $50 in an IK … Continue reading →