Wednesday, November 9, 2011

LAO: Deal with CalSTRS’ unfunded burden | Thoughts on Public Education

LAO: Deal with CalSTRS’ unfunded burden | Thoughts on Public Education:

LAO: Deal with CalSTRS’ unfunded burden - by John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

The Legislative Analyst’s Office generally praised Gov. Jerry Brown’s 12-point proposal for pension reform in an analysis released Tuesday, save for one gaping omission: CalSTRS’ unfunded liability. A failure to face up to it when suggesting big changes to public pension programs, like raising the retirement age, “doesn’t make sense to us,” wrote LAO analyst [...]

We’ve created transitional kindergarten; now, how and what to teach them? - by Scott Moore

My college mentor, renowned political scientist James Q. Wilson, always said that more important than getting the right answer is asking the right question. This week, about 500 educators and policymakers from across California came together at the Transitional Kindergarten Implementation Summit to ask questions and to hear practical information for getting California’s groundbreaking transitional [...]