Tuesday, November 15, 2011

L.A. Teachers Seek to Put Evaluations to a Referendum - Teacher Beat - Education Week

L.A. Teachers Seek to Put Evaluations to a Referendum - Teacher Beat - Education Week:

L.A. Teachers Seek to Put Evaluations to a Referendum

A collection of Los Angeles teachers plans to force a vote among the district's teaching corps that, if passed, would require their union to advocate for "teacher-led" changes to the teacher-evaluation system—and for a moratorium on layoffs while it's implemented.

The teachers, part of a coalition called "Teachers for a New Unionism," are making use of a provision in United Teachers Los Angeles' constitution that allows for a bargaining-unit-wide referendum if 500 signatures are gathered. Today, they'll be turning over some 630 signatures to UTLA President Warren Fletcher.

Once the signatures are certified by the union, a process they estimate could take a week or more, the question