Sunday, November 13, 2011

Khan Academy does not constitute an education revolution, but I’ll tell you what does « Cooperative Catalyst

Khan Academy does not constitute an education revolution, but I’ll tell you what does « Cooperative Catalyst:

Khan Academy does not constitute an education revolution, but I’ll tell you what does

Chris Anderson, the visionary leader of the TED conference, recently wrote about “The Year’s 7 Most Powerful Ideas.” He highlights some important stuff, but regrettably misses the mark when he takes on education.

Powerful Idea No. 3 comes from Salmon Khan, the founder of the Khan Academy. Anderson writes, “The classroom flip can revolutionize education. Khan was a hedge fund analyst when he started posting video tutorials online. Now, over 2,000 of his videos are viewed by more than 100,000 students a day around the world. What if teachers used these videos as homework so kids could learn at their own pace, and used classroom time to help if someone gets stuck!”

Khan’s idea does not represent a “revolution.” Posting video tutorials online is a great idea, and I have no doubt