Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Keeping an eye on Springfield today. Democrats should look at Ohio and think twice. « Fred Klonsky

Keeping an eye on Springfield today. Democrats should look at Ohio and think twice. « Fred Klonsky:

Keeping an eye on Springfield today. Democrats should look at Ohio and think twice.

You have heard the bad news that the pension killing bill was passed out of committee last night on a 5 to 4 vote.

The bill is only slightly different (I didn’t say improved) from the Cross/Fahner bill last Spring.

Will it get a vote on the floor of the House? If so, will it get a concurrence vote from the Senate by Thursday?

You can find somebody speculating about both of those questions. But it’s all speculation.

Here’s a fact: Every teacher and friend of a teacher and member of a teacher’s family needs to call their representatives again. 888-412-6570.

And here’s another fact. Every Democrat that is thinking about voting for SB512 should take a look at Ohio and Michigan this morning. Every Democrat that thinks state employees will not express their dissatisfaction at the polls and in the streets if they lose their pensions that were promised might want to reassess.