Sunday, November 13, 2011

Jersey Jazzman: The Two Worlds of Ed Reform

Jersey Jazzman: The Two Worlds of Ed Reform:

The Two Worlds of Ed Reform

I want to recommend this great piece teacher/blogger Katie O about this weekend's conferences in Chicago. Read the whole thing (us teacher/bloggers need that click-through love), but here's the takeaway:
To me, the moral of this tale of one city’s schizophrenic day of education is this: Sure, we love progressive education practices, but only for the rich white private schools. When it comes to the vast majority of our children in public schools, we want to standardize and sterilize learning into easy-to-compare test prep factories. We want to sort and control public school teachers, just the way we sort and control their students. While the rich children explore, learn, question, dream, try, experience, fail, and enjoy the process of expanding their minds in beautiful schools and small classes with no pressure of grades or homework, all the other people’s children