Monday, November 28, 2011

Grumpy Educators: Grumpy Educators Award Nominations

Grumpy Educators: Grumpy Educators Award Nominations:

Grumpy Educators Award Nominations

"Knowledge is power."

Blogs written by parents and community members on the subject of education reform is increasing and explaining education reform initiatives that main stream media ignores. It is still difficult for non-educators to access information explained well; but there are some solid resources available now. Since January, after careful review and selection, I visit several to learn and stay current.

Inspired by Edublog Awards, Grumpy Educators created its own awards and announces winners for the education-related blogs that contributed the following:
  • Brought parent, community member, and student perspectives out of the shadows
  • Brought factual information to the public that would not be found otherwise
  • Encouraged avenues for critical and constructive dialogue on educational change

The Golden Grumpy Educator Award
Huge thanks to Education Matters for the most referrals of all time that led