Friday, November 4, 2011

Democurmudgeon: Charter School Networks Failing, New Orleans all Charter District Gets low Grades.

Democurmudgeon: Charter School Networks Failing, New Orleans all Charter District Gets low Grades.:

Charter School Networks Failing, New Orleans all Charter District Gets low Grades.

So what’s the point of running parallel school districts when they offer up the same results and problems?

This study of larger groups of charter networks, thought to expand successful technics within their systems, did not achieve that goal.
Edweek: A new national study on the effectiveness of networks that operate charter schools finds overall that their middle school students’ test scores in reading, mathematics, science, and social studies aren’t significantly better than those of students in regular public schools. The findings from the research group Mathematica and the Center on Reinventing Public Education at the University of Washington Bothell: The researchers focused on charter-management organizations to explore whether that model could be effective for scaling up the successes of individual charter schools. CMOs exist in part to address the unevenness in quality from charter to charter … And