Saturday, November 26, 2011

Citizens' Voice: Hard work, money needed to fix education » Knoxville News Sentinel

Citizens' Voice: Hard work, money needed to fix education » Knoxville News Sentinel:

Citizens' Voice: Hard work, money needed to fix education

Fareed Zakaria did in both Time magazine and on CNN what most corporate journalists do when the topic is public education. He left out what Republican politicians did to "government school," as the Republican right calls them.
"In 1972, the year (Steve) Jobs graduated (high school), California's public schools (including its university system) were the envy of the world. They were generally rated the finest in the country, well funded and well run, with excellent teachers (and the professors at the University of California were also the best). Today, California's public schools are a disaster."
I would ask Zakaria why.
A Republican actor by the name of Ronald Reagan became governor of California, and he led the attack on California's public schools. The tax reform from "the West" was designed to starve California's "government schools," including destroying America's first No. 1-rated public university — the University of California. Yes, the California