Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chicago unions call Rahm a turkey. « Fred Klonsky

Chicago unions call Rahm a turkey. « Fred Klonsky:

Chicago unions call Rahm a turkey.

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel shows us how to be a turkey.

In a letter to the Chicago Sun-Times Chcago’s labor movement, including the teachers union, the Fraternal Order of Police, AFSCME and the Chicago Federation of Labor called out Mayor Rahm Emanuel as a turkey.

Here’s the letter:

Letters to the Editor

November 23, 2011

Unfortunately, Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s claim in the Nov. 20 Sun-Times that he is “working well with Chicago’s unions” is not supported by facts. To the contrary, Emanuel has needlessly picked fights with city unions, refusing to negotiate in good faith or respond to offers of cooperation.

Rather than valuing the contributions that teachers, firefighters, nurses, librarians, police officers,