Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Big Education Ape:11-16-11 AM The Battle of Jersey - Opening Salvos EDition #OWS #ASKARNE

Big Education Ape: Ed News Now:

Published by Coopmike48 – 7 news spotters today

The Battle of Jersey - Opening Salvos - And so it begins: with the mid-term elections out of the way, the war over education reform commences in Trenton. I hope those of you who follow me from other places around the country forgive me o...


Town Hall: 140 Characters at a Time - “I love my job,” Secretary Duncan said at the close of yesterday’s second #AskArne Twitter Town Hall, moderated by education journalist John Merrow. Merrow covered a wide-range of education topics ...


Reporters Say Police Denied Access to Protest Site As New York City police cleared the Occupy Wall Street campsite in Zuccotti Park early Tuesday morning, many journalists were blocked from observing and interviewing protesters. Some called it a “m...


Billionaires for Education Reform - Bridging Differences - Dear Deborah,We have often discussed the problems of establishing democratic practices in our schools today. This is something you have written about extensively, and it is integral to your pedagog...


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coopmike48 NYC Educator: Heckuva Job, Barackie #Edu6 minutes ago · reply · retweet · favorite

EducationSee all

Taxpayers Pay for Wealthy Kids at Charter School - Enlarge image Bullis Charter School A student walks past portable classrooms at the Bullis Charter School in Los Altos, California, on Nov. 9, 2011. A student walks past portable classrooms at the ...


Engaging Parents In School… - Parent Trigger R.I.P. - November 14th, 2011 by Larry Ferlazzo Today, The Los Angeles Times published an editorial reflecting on the parent trigger’s lack of success, and described Parent Revolution’s retooling effort: Ins...


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PoliticsSee all

Campain Kicks Off To Recall Scott Walker - NEWS FLASH Campain Kicks Off To Recall Scott Walker | More than 100 events planned across Wisconsin last night marked the beginning of a campaign to recall Gov. Scott Walker (R). Activists have six...


The Torture Candidates - As hard as it is to believe, the Republican candidates for president seem to have learned very little from the moral calamities of the administration of George W. Bush. Three of the contenders for ...


StoriesSee all

Naming him. - Pat Sullivan. I will never forget his name. He was my abuser. Somewhere inside, I feel a deep sense of shame, regret. Not for what he did to me, but for never telling anyone. There were other victi...


Recall Walker Photo Contest | Defend Wisconsin - – November 15, 2011Posted in: Announcements The Photo Contest you don’t want to miss! Scott Walker has been a train wreck, but his corrupt reign is nearly over! Celebrate the beginning of the recal...


HealthSee all

Ag spending bill retreats on school meal standards - The joint House-Senate agriculture spending bill unveiled Monday night blocks stringent school meal standards following intense lobbying from the pizza and French Fry industries.The bill bars the D...


Congress Blocks New Rules on School Lunches - WASHINGTON — A slice of pizza still counts as a vegetable. In a victory for the makers of frozen pizzas, tomato paste and French fries, Congress on Monday blocked rules proposed by the ...


Science Is Sure: Smart People Love Drugs - Technology - With over 40 years of research to support their findings, a team of British scientists was slightly surprised to learn that people with higher IQs are much more prone to drug use. "It's counterintu...


WorldSee all

Journalists detained at NYC Occupy protests - Associated Press NEW YORK — Journalists have been detained by police while covering Occupy Wall Street protests in New York. Associated Press writer Karen Matthews was taken into custody Tuesday al...


Shooting Reported at the UC Berkeley Campus - National - Update 6:24 p.m. The Chronicle now reports that it was actually a gunman who was shot by police, according to a university spokesman. The man was alive when he was taken to the hospital, the paper ...


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