Monday, November 28, 2011

All Education Matters: Hypervocal: Education Archives Back to all stories Washington Post - “Forgive Us Our Student Loan Debt?” No Thanks! #OWS

All Education Matters: Hypervocal: Education Archives Back to all stories Washington Post - “Forgive Us Our Student Loan Debt?” No Thanks!:

Hypervocal: Education Archives Back to all stories Washington Post - “Forgive Us Our Student Loan Debt?” No Thanks!

Folks, when you read malicious, misinformation about anything, please keep your vision clear. Think for yourself about the claims that are made, and ask yourself why people so blatantly attacks others. Those who like to defame others have reasons for doing so, and oftentimes it's not for the right reasons. Also, here's my latest piece over at Hypervocal. I've learned something lately: bullying Rush Limbaughs who lie and cheat and are petty as ever come from all political backgrounds. It's a shame, but we all just carry on.

To be clear: a debtors' strike is something that needs to be thought about long and hard. These sorts of changes don't happen overnight. Nevertheless, an honest discussion about the power that has been taken from us needs