Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Academia Occupied: The Academic As “Other” in Corporate Colonialism | The Homeless Adjunct #OWS

Academia Occupied: The Academic As “Other” in Corporate Colonialism | The Homeless Adjunct:

Academia Occupied: The Academic As “Other” in Corporate Colonialism

The term “occupy” is all over the news now, with the Occupy Movement gaining power and momentum across our country, and linked in solidarity to the occupy movements that began in the Middle East. There is a strong wave of a growing Occupy Colleges movement, long overdue to my mind, that is finally beginning to take hold. The irony of this is something I would like to point out. We may be occupying in protest. But for the last thirty years, it is academia which has been “occupied.” We have been colonized by corporatism, and subjugated to its power.

A few years ago, as I was struggling in the worst of the 2008 economic collapse, about to lose my home, losing my financial battle to live on adjunct salaries, I was walking across