Saturday, October 15, 2011

Why Was a Reporter Kicked Out of Jeb Bush’s Ed Summit? | Scathing Purple Musings

Why Was a Reporter Kicked Out of Jeb Bush’s Ed Summit? | Scathing Purple Musings:

Why Was a Reporter Kicked Out of Jeb Bush’s Ed Summit?

Thomas B. Fordham Institute blog contributor Chester E. Finn was moderating reporter’s questions at Jeb Bush’s San Francisco Ed summit when K-12 Network reporter Steve Begley asked former NYC schools chancellor, turned Rubert Murdoch fixer Joel Klein what turned out to be a few legitimate questions. From Mother Jones:

During the Q&A session, Steve Begley, a blogger from the K-12 News Network, asked Klein about what Murdoch had in mind for his foray into the education business, which Murdoch has said is a $500 billion market largely untapped by the corporate world. After noting Klein’s $4.5 million annual compensation, Begley asked him what sort of “revenue goals” Murdoch had set for him, and “what kinds of goods and services are you going to sell to meet those goals?” Before he could even finish his question, the panel moderator Chester Finn, from the Fordham Institute, cut him off. He told Begley that he was out of line, and that his question was inappropriate. He demanded that Begley