Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why is George Bush Wading Into Denver's Education Debate on the Eve of Critical School Board Elections? | The Nation

Why is George Bush Wading Into Denver's Education Debate on the Eve of Critical School Board Elections? | The Nation:

Why is George Bush Wading Into Denver's Education Debate on the Eve of Critical School Board Elections?

Former President George W. Bush, whose administration once made a big deal about its diplomatic engagement with Libyan dictator Muammar Qaddafi, won’t talk about the recent unfortunate turn of events for the strongman. And don’t try to get Bush started on any of those pesky questions about jobs and the economy that his administration ran into the ground. He’s not talking.

But if you want to talk about how the schools in Denver, Colorado, should be run, Bush’s has got plenty to say.

“I’m out of politics… but I still have a great passion about educational excellence,” Bush announced when he showed up in Denver last Thursday.

But the scheduling of Bush’s visit to the city’s “Get Smart Schools” program couldn’t have been more political. Indeed, advocates for public education in what has become the most intense school board election