Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Why I Support the Occupation Movement - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher

Why I Support the Occupation Movement - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher:

Why I Support the Occupation Movement

Over the past nineteen days we have witnessed a remarkable movement emerge. First in New York City, on Wall Street, and now in cities across the country, young people have taken to the streets to protest the way their futures have been hijacked by decisions made far beyond them. I am with them 100%.Thumbnail image for wakeup.jpg

I am with them because I have two sons, now in college, who have a very unclear future. Some 85% of 2011's college graduates are now back home living with their parents, with substantial debt. Every time I see my older son, Alex, we discuss his concern for the environment. Last week he shared a paper he was writing for a college English class he is taking. Like many of those protesting, he is asking tough questions about his own education and life path. He wrote,

Most of the time I think that the learning