Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Why I Like Tests - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher

Why I Like Tests - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher:

Why I Like Tests

That's right. I am not opposed to testing. Tests are frequently the fastest, most direct way of uncovering what your students have learned. There's no point in cobbling together an "authentic" task if what you're shooting for is a quick check on which kiddos can reliably multiply by fives or spell "democracy."

Rockets, volcanoes and bubble bombs
are fun to create and explode, but somewhere in there, shouldn't students be able to describe the chemical reactions that occur when you combine baking soda and vinegar? Isn't that the point of hands-on learning, illustrating knowledge to drive home key points of content?

Ah, you say. That's what reports are for--a real-life task. Well, gee. Isn't a required report just a test, only more prone to excess verbiage and bigger margins? In fact, isn't assessing student work and providing feedback a