Saturday, October 22, 2011

Why do we trust superintendents more than teachers? The Case of Houston ISD « A "Fuller" Look at Education Issues

Why do we trust superintendents more than teachers? The Case of Houston ISD « A "Fuller" Look at Education Issues:

Why do we trust superintendents more than teachers? The Case of Houston ISD

In an article in the Texas Watchdog at:

The article states:

But Grier’s performance review is just beginning, said Trustee Julie Stipeche, who represents HISD District VIII.

“Today was the first day we, as a board, had the opportunity to review the data the administration provided us,” Stipeche said. “Everybody fills out an evaluation form and those are ultimately aggregated.”

Now, does Houston allow teachers to provide their own data to their evaluators? Of course not!!! Because teachers simply cannot be trusted in these times. Yet, we trust the superintendent?

In a district that spends large sums of money on some questionable expenditures, why wouldn’t the Trustees hire an outside consultant to evaluate the progress of the district. The district spends millions of