Thursday, October 20, 2011

…we are asking the DOE to CEASE efforts to implement changes in our evaluation system… « JD2718

…we are asking the DOE to CEASE efforts to implement changes in our evaluation system… « JD2718:

…we are asking the DOE to CEASE efforts to implement changes in our evaluation system…

Distributed at tonight’s UFT Delegate Assembly. The document speaks for itself.

(I have serious doubts about the development of a new evaluation system, far beyond the UFT leadership’s concerns. But given the DoE’s non-collaboration – their contempt for any sense of negotiation, how could the leadership not respond as they do here? – jd)

UFT email to DOE Regarding Evaluations (10/18/11)

As you know on September 20, 2011, Chancellor Walcott and Michael Mulgrew, joined by CSA President Ernest Logan, sent a joint letter to teachers and principals that talked about preliminary work in building a foundation for