Friday, October 14, 2011

Student-Loan Debt and the Occupy Davis Movement - Davis, CA Patch #ows

Student-Loan Debt and the Occupy Davis Movement - Davis, CA Patch:

Student-Loan Debt and the Occupy Davis Movement

At the first Occupy Davis meeting last Friday (VIDEO), student debt and university issues came up several times. That’s not surprising, considering the high number of young people at the meeting and the college's importance in this town.

The Huffington Post published a story this week pointing out that student-loan debt seems to be among the top concerns of Occupy Wall Street, and the subsequent global movement. From the article:

Student-loan debt has continued to grow despite a financial crisis that constrained credit elsewhere, and the increasing burden amid high unemployment is driving at least part of the protests.

Last year, Americans began to owe more on their student loans then their credit cards, with student debt reaching the $1 trillion mark. Many have flocked to higher education during the down economy, only to find themselves still unemployed or