Monday, October 10, 2011

Steve Jobs on Technology and School Reform | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Steve Jobs on Technology and School Reform | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice:

Steve Jobs on Technology and School Reform

Steve Jobs

Image by acaben via Flickr

The untimely loss of 56 year-old Steve Jobs and the obituaries that followed reminded me of what he told interviewers about technology and school reform. Jobs recorded these interviews in the mid-1990s before he returned to Apple as CEO in 1997.

Gary Wolf from Wired magazine interviewed Steve Jobs in 1996:

Could technology help by improving education?

I used to think that technology could help education. I’ve probably spearheaded giving away more computer equipment to schools than anybody else on the planet. But I’ve had to come to the inevitable conclusion that the problem is not one that technology can hope to solve. What’s wrong with education cannot be fixed with