Monday, October 10, 2011

Stand for Children, School Board Races and the Washington State PTA | Seattle Education

Stand for Children, School Board Races and the Washington State PTA | Seattle Education:

Stand for Children, School Board Races and the Washington State PTA

Stand for Children, School Board Elections, the Washington State PTA and Chad Magendanz.

As I previously posted in Stand for Children Stands for the Rich and Powerful, Stand for Children (SFC) has proudly declared by way of its’ co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Jonah Edelman, that he was successful in busting the teachers’ union in Chicago and he plans to do that again in the state of Washington. He has led the fight in other states by his own admonition in a video taped session during a seminar at the Aspen Institute, for “pension reform”, meaning cutting back on pensions or eliminating them altogether, and a teacher’s evaluation based on a student’s test scores.

The entire transcript will provide insight into how the 1% thinks and how they operate politically from backing