Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Schools Matter: Pearson-Gate, or How to Use the Abramoff Model to Buy State Commissioners of Ed

Schools Matter: Pearson-Gate, or How to Use the Abramoff Model to Buy State Commissioners of Ed:

Pearson-Gate, or How to Use the Abramoff Model to Buy State Commissioners of Ed

Back in old days when Rod Paige and Margaret Spellings had their teams working overtime to shovel out ED's part of the Federal Treasury to the McGraw-Hill maggots, operations were quite centralized. But now with the new feudalism federalism taking shape under the ostensibly-Democratic Obama/Duncan Team, corruption has become decentralized with states receiving fat federal grants (RTTT) to do the edu-business demanded by the Business Roundtable.

Pearson has emerged as the chief perpetrator of putrescence, with bags of cash and lavish trips for small town pols who now find themselves at the ed-heads of their state feeding troughs. Aren't all the junkets to exotic locales costing the company millions? Not to worry, holders of this smelly stock. Pearson uses a tax-protected