Sunday, October 16, 2011

Schools Matter: NYTimes Editorial Board Embraces New Orleans Abusive Charter Caste System

Schools Matter: NYTimes Editorial Board Embraces New Orleans Abusive Charter Caste System:

NYTimes Editorial Board Embraces New Orleans Abusive Charter Caste System

Education is ground zero in the systemic exploitation of black people in New Orleans--ground zero because public schools are the direct feeder for the necessary, albeit unskilled, labor needed for the tourist-oriented economy. . . . In New Orleans they are building more hotels every day. Where will the bellhops and maids come from? . . . . Our schools are the way they are because the economy. . . continues to require a labor force to clean, cook, and serve.
--Kalamu ya Salaam, quoted by Buras, 2010, pp. 66-67

In December 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center released a report filled with grisly and harrowing details of