Thursday, October 20, 2011

Schools Matter: The Neolibs Try On OCCUPY: Bad Fit #ows

Schools Matter: The Neolibs Try On OCCUPY: Bad Fit:

The Neolibs Try On OCCUPY: Bad Fit

Nicholas Kristof does his part this morning to neutralize the meaning of OCCUPY, to make is something safe enough to stick on his BMW, or to joke about with his children: Hey, go Occupy your room and study your Mandarin.

And he almost gets the percentages right.

Below is his column and below that my comment that the NYTimes actually posted:
Occupy Wall Street is shining a useful spotlight on one of America’s central challenges, the inequality that leaves the richest 1 percent of Americans with a greater net worth than the entire bottom 90 [sic] percent.

Most of the proposed remedies involve changes in taxes and regulations, and they would help. But