Friday, October 14, 2011

Schools Matter: Jerry Brown Rebukes Attempts at Another Generation of More Testing

Schools Matter: Jerry Brown Rebukes Attempts at Another Generation of More Testing:

Jerry Brown Rebukes Attempts at Another Generation of More Testing

Jerry Brown's rebuke of the testing industrial complex on October 8 has sent shockwaves through the boardrooms of Pearson and the other predatory corporations whose CEOs are poised to cash in on a whole new generation of education testing mania introduced by RTTT. Ostensibly as a way to get out from under the burden of testing, a state version of Arne Duncan's deal that Brown vetoed amounted to an extortion plot that holds a loaded testing gun to governors and superintendents with the promise of certain death if they refuse a waiver or, if they play the waiver game, then death by testing is exchanged for a life sentence of testing in every subject and at every grade level. Oh yes, if you accept this life sentence of testing, your food ration promises to be cut severely.

Meanwhile, any semblance of humane learning environments has been erased in U.S. urban schools, as children