Sunday, October 2, 2011

Schools Matter: Duncan's Friday Afternoon News Dump: Test Scores to Make or Break Teacher Preparation Programs

Schools Matter: Duncan's Friday Afternoon News Dump: Test Scores to Make or Break Teacher Preparation Programs:

Duncan's Friday Afternoon News Dump: Test Scores to Make or Break Teacher Preparation Programs

It's hard to remember and appreciate that just 10 years ago, the NCLB testing madness had not yet begun. In most states, teachers taught and children learned in low stress environments where care was common and child advocacy and professional standards set the education agenda. Teachers did not normally have anxiety attacks on the way to school, and children almost never puked on their exams.

But that was before the testing madness started for real, first, with schools and children measured and punished with standardized tests, most of which were then and continue to be pure crap. And then it was to be the teachers who would be gauged, paid, and let go using those crap tests, soon to be purportedly improved with many more new crap tests required in more subjects and administered more often in more grades. And just last