Saturday, October 15, 2011

Schools Matter: Accountability's End, or the Beginning of a Real Accounting?

Schools Matter: Accountability's End, or the Beginning of a Real Accounting?:

Accountability's End, or the Beginning of a Real Accounting?

I have often wondered about FLYPAPER as a name for an education policy publication, as it clearly brings to mind the irresistible final destination for winged carrion eaters who get stuck for life. Disgusting, but an entirely appropriate image to accompany Mike Petrilli's wistfully-anachronistic buzz down Big Testing's ideological memory lane.

Petrilli no doubt got the memo to go after Governor Brown for his veto of California's new Endless Testing bill, and in doing so, Petrilli reminds us of all the reasons that his version of "accountability" should have never been allowed in the room to begin with. How any society could buy this thought-disordered, self-serving bullshit gets more mysterious to me by the hour. Perhaps it is just the time for things to finally come into hi-def focus.

Here are the categories that Petrilli uses to pigeonhole the accountability advocates whom he fears will fall by