Sunday, October 30, 2011

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Common Core State Standards

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Common Core State Standards:

Common Core State Standards

I will confess; I am NOT fully up-to-speed on this issue. But I was reading over the minutes from the Board Work Session on CCSS that was held on October 19, 2011 and wanted to point out several issues around CCSS as well as what parents know or don't know.

To note, some of the confusion is that we have Washington State Standards, SPS graduation requirements and CCSS and while there is overlap, I believe they all have differences. What they are and what they mean to your child remains to be seen.

The following is straight from the minutes.

Guests from OSPI were Deputy Superintendent Alan Burke and Assistant Superintendent Jessica Vavrus.

He (Mr. Burke) also noted that most states are aligning with CCSS standards, acknowledging the need to have