Thursday, October 13, 2011

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Seattle Superintendent Search: Yes or No?

Save Seattle Schools Community Blog: Seattle Superintendent Search: Yes or No?:

Seattle Superintendent Search: Yes or No?

I didn't print all the questions from Tuesday night's School Board candidate forum but the question of superintendent did come up.

The question had been something about the vision for the district and who creates it and what questions would a Board director ask of a superintendent candidate. This was directed to Sharon and Peter.

Sharon said that the Board and the Superintendent need to be on the same page. She said with MGJ, the Board was on the same page but it didn't turn out well and more control was at central and not in the classroom.

Peter said the vision is shared with the Superintendent and the Board but he said they had to agree. He said he would ask a superintendent candidate what his/her vision was for Special Ed? Advanced Learning? capacity