Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Sacramento Press / Education Coalition warns of Impact of further budget cuts

Sacramento Press / Education Coalition warns of Impact of further budget cuts:

Education Coalition warns of Impact of further budget cuts

Like schools around the state, Sacramento public schools continue to suffer from the impact of budget cuts and must get more funding to provide our students with the quality education they deserve, local Education Coalition stakeholders stressed in a news conference here today.

Speakers explained how California’s K-12 schools have been decimated by more than $18 billion in cuts in the last three years alone, and how this affects a generation of students. They discussed the new California Budget Project report ranking the state 46th in both per-pupil spending and the number of students per administrator (301), and worst in the U.S., in the number of students per teacher (20.5) and per school librarian (5,489).

The news conference was held at Washington Elementary School in Sacramento, which is struggling to maintain support services including school nurses and teachers’ aides in the face of budget cuts. Despite strong community partnerships in place, the entire staff at the school has agreed to minimize school supplies to fund basic educational programs.

“This school remains a great place for kids to learn and prepare for the future because the teachers, staff,