Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Report documents charter school growth - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post

Report documents charter school growth - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post:

Report documents charter school growth

Six school districts across the country now have at least 30 percent of their public school students enrolled in charter schools — with Washington D.C. at No. 2 on the list. And 18 systems have more than 20 percent of their students attending charters, according to a new report.

The charter demographics report, released by the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools, lists Los Angeles as topping the list (see below) of districts with the highest number of charter school students — 79,385 (which was 12,576 more this school year than last). If those students were in a single school system, it would be in the top 45 of the largest U.S. school districts.

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