Wednesday, October 5, 2011

People have the power. « Fred Klonsky's blog

People have the power. « Fred Klonsky's blog:

People have the power.

The Illinois teacher pension battle isn’t over by a long shot. In fact, I would urge teachers to send an email to their General Assembly rep every day until the legislators adjourn.

But it looks good that the overwhelming opposition to SB 512 last Spring, and the continued mobilization of opposition by grassroots organizers made up of retired and active teachers, acting as part of a loose network of pension fighters, may have done the trick.


But friends. Drive a stake into that thing. Kill it. Stomp on it. Make sure it is dead.

What can’t be counted on is our leaders, who only in the past few days have decided they might make some robo-calls.

Day late. Dollar short.

One of my favorite political songs is People Have the Power by Patti Smith.

It looks now as if Mayor Emanuel and CPS CEO J.C. Brizard have thrown in the towel on their union busting 90