Friday, October 28, 2011

Pension reform’s impact on teachers | Thoughts on Public Education

Pension reform’s impact on teachers | Thoughts on Public Education:

Pension reform’s impact on teachers

Brown would raise new teachers' retirement age to 67
By John Fensterwald - Educated Guess

Under Gov. Jerry Brown’s plan to rein in pension costs, future teachers would work years longer before they could retire with smaller pensions. Current teachers and administrators would soon pay about 1 percent more out of their paychecks toward their retirement. And both current and future educators would be unable to retire, then turn around and return to the classroom full time.

Brown’s pension reforms would uniformly apply to all public employees, state and local, municipal and school. They would significantly decrease benefits, especially for new workers, and lower the risk for governments, by raising the retirement age from as early as 55 to 67 for all new non-safety employees, and by replacing a significant portion of a defined