Monday, October 17, 2011

Pension Call Tuesday. « Fred Klonsky's blog

Pension Call Tuesday. « Fred Klonsky's blog:

Pension Call Tuesday.

The veto session begins in one week. Every reader of this blog now must contact their own General Assembly representative every day. By personal contact. By phone. By fax or personal email. Or by using the ready-made email that IEA has provided here.

No kidding. Every day.

Tweets to followers of Illinois is Broke, the bought-and-paid-for front group for Ty Fahner and his Civic Committee are promising some big surprise today, Tuesday.

The only surprise would be if they folded up their tents and went home.

It doesn’t matter what they do or say if every teacher, teacher family member and friend of a teacher calls their representatives.

100,000 contacts in the next two weeks.

Nobody will do this but us. If somebody tells you to sit and wait for their marching orders, hang up or walk away and make a phone call to your representative.

When we win this, they will take the credit.

But none of that matters.