Saturday, October 1, 2011

Peg with Pen: America's Got Talent? Not Under the Corporate Education Reform Model

Peg with Pen: America's Got Talent? Not Under the Corporate Education Reform Model:

America's Got Talent? Not Under the Corporate Education Reform Model

This past week I watched Education Nation. I continued to support action through our work at United Opt OutNational. I read articles about the supposed benefits of NCLB waivers. I received notices about legislation being written which dictates what public universities do and forces education schools to drink the corp. ed. Kool-Aid. In the midst of all of this I read about an increase in the number of homeless children in New York. And then there was Occupy Wall Street – underreported – but representative of an America - composed of independent thinkers - waking up. As people begin to speak up, those with power tremble ever so slightly.

I tremble a bit as well…with an inner rage that I try to keep calm by swimming laps several mornings a week while thinking about how we might change the current narrative regarding this fabricated educational crisis that has allowed corporations to swoop in and profit at our children’s expense. I watched a clip of MorningJoe on MSNBC in which they talked about how the arts have disappeared from the public schools. They talked about