Thursday, October 20, 2011

Opting Out of High Stakes Testing #OWS #EDreform

Opting Out of High Stakes Testing:

Opting Out of High Stakes Testing

I went to an informational meeting for the parents of incoming special ed kindergartners and was struck by:

  • the increased enrollment (max 30) we are guaranteed to see in the general ed classroom, and
  • the emphasis on the state standards to which the state and district will hold our children

The thought of my already anxious boy taking inappropriate and stressful state tests is more than I can stomach, so I did a little research and found the following item in a state testing FAQ.

Can the IEP team exempt my child from participating in state or districtwide assessments?
No. The role of the IEP team is to determine how your child can participate most appropriately in

Dear Michael Moore

Hello, Folks. Recently wrote Michael Moore to see what his position is re public ed. Could you imagine if he made a film in defense of our schools? Any rate, this is what I came up with. If you’d like to reach him you can do so here.
As a special ed teacher with 25 years experience, I have never felt so screwed by politicians and the mainstream media. Many of my colleagues have been outed in the LA Times as being “least-effective” based upon their highly inaccurate value-added analysis.
As the father of an autistic boy, I worry that if charter schools take over he won’t get the education he needs (charters