Monday, October 31, 2011

More Non-Fiction, Simplified Elementary School Math: How the Common Core Could Change the American Curriculum - Dana Goldstein

More Non-Fiction, Simplified Elementary School Math: How the Common Core Could Change the American Curriculum - Dana Goldstein:

More Non-Fiction, Simplified Elementary School Math: How the Common Core Could Change the American Curriculum

Knob-creek-bourbonOn Saturday I attended a fascinating presentation on the new Common Core curriculum standards in English and math, which 47 states and territories have agreed to implement by the 2014-2015 school year. The speakers were journalist Peg Tyre; testing expert Laura Solver, who works for the consortium developing assessments based on the Common Core; and David Coleman, a lead author of the standards themselves.

Coleman has become the face of the Common Core on the edu-wonk speaking circuit, and let me tell you: He's a real showman. A former school reform entrepreneur with a master's degree in Greek philosophy, he opened up the panel discussion for reporters, hosted at the