Monday, October 10, 2011

Missouri Education Watchdog: Don't Pay Attention to the Organizers Behind the Curtain #ows!

Missouri Education Watchdog: Don't Pay Attention to the Organizers Behind the Curtain!:

Don't Pay Attention to the Organizers Behind the Curtain!

The word "tyranny" seems to be popping up these days when talking about education. Don Powers, an attorney reviewing how education operates these days, wrote:

“What we discovered is a transition to a tyrannical form of government. Sections of the USCA that supported local, states’ rights and local control of schools as well as sections that placed restrictions on the Federal DOEd were being repealed all together and in instances replaced by sections that grant more control to the federal level. We also checked other areas of the USCA and found this to be the rule, and not the exception. From the historical records, that we could check with our meager resources, it has apparently been going on since before the1960’s.”

Check out the heading on our blog and its reference to living in a totalitarian democracy, which could be