Thursday, October 6, 2011

A Letter to All Parents in the State of Washington About Charter Schools | Seattle Education

A Letter to All Parents in the State of Washington About Charter Schools | Seattle Education:

A Letter to All Parents in the State of Washington About Charter Schools

The letter below is being sent to as many parents as we can contact regarding the PTA proposal to back charter schools during the next legislative session.

So far the people of this state have voted down charter schools three times and for good reason…they don’t work and it is simply a means to privatize one of our last public institutions.

If you know of a parent, teacher or concerned citizen that might need to be informed of both sides of the argument, please forward this to them.

This letter is a shorter version of two posts that I wrote in response to the PTA proposal.

It reads as follows:

Dear PTA Members,

Below is an excerpt from a blog post that I did regarding the PTA charter school proposal that has been sent to