Monday, October 10, 2011

Kimble's Corner: Congressman Kimble's Address to Value Voter's Summit #ows

Kimble's Corner: Congressman Kimble's Address to Value Voter's Summit:

Congressman Kimble's Address to Value Voter's Summit

I am honored to be here speaking today before such a respected and well known organization. I will keep my comments brief, but as this is Columbus Day Weekend, I thought it most appropriate today to talk about Christopher Columbus.

Way back in 1492, there was no cable, no video games, no Ipods. What people used to get through their day was faith. It was this faith that lead Christopher Columbus to discover America so that we might all worship God as we saw fit. Columbus was a great hero, but I wonder what he'd say if he was alive today.

Would Columbus recognize America today. How would he react to seeing a country he worked so hard to discover becoming completely overrun with illegal aliens? What would he feel about Americans having to learn