Sunday, October 9, 2011

I Am My Hair, Too | The Jose Vilson

I Am My Hair, Too | The Jose Vilson:

I Am My Hair, Too

Nivea's Ad, Re-Colonize Yourself

To look as fresh as some of us brothers do takes a certain amount of patience, skill, and discernment that people don’t understand until they’ve seen it in action. A brotha first observes the movements of their barber, looking at the prior customer’s face to measure their own satisfaction. Their space doesn’t need to be perfect, but at least familiar, and the smell has to feel right. Once that happens, an experienced guy like me might ask for a precise blade to use for the length we’d like our relatively small lengths of hair on our heads. In the process of getting our hairs cut, the barber carefully chops at the main parts of my head, chisels the sides with a T-razor,