Saturday, October 22, 2011

Human Tutoring vs. Computer Tutoring: Who Wins? (Mike Goldstein) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice

Human Tutoring vs. Computer Tutoring: Who Wins? (Mike Goldstein) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice:

Human Tutoring vs. Computer Tutoring: Who Wins? (Mike Goldstein)

Mike Goldstein founded MATCH Charter Public High School in Boston. He is involved in many ventures including the one below. The post appeared October 7, 2011. For another analysis of Houston’s “no excuses” turnaround of failing schools and the tutoring component, see Matt Di Carlo’s post.

[I]n Summer 2010 we sent a team to Houston. Their job was to design and launch a massive cohort of full-time math tutors. This was 1 part of a 5-pronged effort (called Apollo 20) to do “turnarounds” of 9 of their lowest-performing schools.

The news:

1. Roland Fryer, the economist who put this whole thing together … published a scholarly paper analyzing the effects of the Apollo effort.

2. Ericka Mellon of the Houston Chronicle wrote a news article … about that study.

Tutoring seems to work

Fryer’s research found that the