Friday, October 21, 2011

Geaux Teacher!: Whose "Showdown" is it Mr. Dubos?

Geaux Teacher!: Whose "Showdown" is it Mr. Dubos?:

Whose "Showdown" is it Mr. Dubos?

My response to Gambit endorsements in BESE District 1 election

Let me clarify the real source of the divide among this year's important race for BESE characterized by Clancy Dubos in his October 18 edition of Gambit as a "showdown."

Classroom teachers - not school board members, school superintendents or unions - are the largest and most significant group of education professionals in the state and a cohort member of the Coalition for Louisiana Public Education. I represent that important group as a National Board Certified Teacher and founding member of the Coalition for Louisiana Public Education.

Classroom teachers
statewide and nationally are leading the opposition to the still miserably failing premise that